Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gifts 2

I just recently received my copy of the Gifts 2 book... I cannot begin to express how honored I am to be a part of such an amazing, inspiring book! I hsve been so blessed since having Lily in my life that I can only hope others out there who are just facing this journey or just finding out they have a prenatal diagnosis will be inspired to choose this journey! I know firsthand how devastating it can be when first finding out, but I know once you get past this you realize what a blessing this truly is... I hope to reach out to anyone and everyone and make a difference. Anyone out there reading this just facing this please feel free to contact me and I will surely mentor anyone as others have done in the past for me.

I will surely miss A and S when I leave this place and move on to my next journey. I hope I have made a positive impact on them and we will still see eachother often! I love them both so much and it will be weird to not have them around!!!

So, go out and buy the Gifts 2 book - it is a truly amazing book that should inspire all!!!


  1. speaking of gifts 2, I just read your story and thats how I found your blog. Its nice to meet you!!

  2. I found you through this book too. :)
